Monday, September 9, 2013

Money Talks: A Brief Look at Tax CPE Courses

While young students often hear that learning is a lifelong process, this adage can also apply to working professionals who have already spent many years in their respective trades. For instance, tax advisers need to undergo continuing professional education (CPE) if they want to be updated on taxation laws, as well as to reinforce the knowledge they already have. After all, any financial advice they give can lead anybody to either prosperity or ruin.

CPE courses that tackle taxes (or taxation in general) cover a wide range of applications. One such aspect is business taxation, for which tax advisers are taught the importance of tax credits, filing tax reports correctly and on time, managing operational costs, and many others. Of particular importance are the statutes and provisions of local and federal tax laws, information that will greatly benefit businesses that operate in multiple states.

Another important CPE course deals with employment taxation, which is arguably the area most people are familiar with. The importance of paying for Social Security, Medicare, and other taxes are discussed here; tax advisers can use this knowledge to help both employers and employees. Aside from tackling the basics of paying taxes, this course can also teach participants about common mistakes that could lead people to charges of tax evasion.


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